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Charlotte Technical College

Safe and respectful, Always professional, Intellectual, Leaders!

Adult Career Center's GED® Program

Develop basic skills that you can use to obtain employment and enable your success in college, the community and the workplace!

GED®  preparation classes are available to assist and prepare students to pass the Official GED® Tests, earn a State of Florida High School Diploma and successfully transition to postsecondary education or career advancement. Students will accelerate at their own pace through an individualized learning plan. Adult Career Center uses all GED® approved materials and online resources. Learn more about the official GED® test and create an account on GED.  To get all your GED® questions answered, sign up for a virtual information session with the Adult Career Center's Director, which is located below the Registration Information section.

Classroom instruction enhanced with computer-based learning focuses on the four content-area assessments:

  • Reasoning through Language Arts, which tests a student’s ability to read closely, write clearly, and edit and understand written text 
  • Mathematics, which tests quantitative and algebraic problem-solving 
  • Science, which includes life science, physical science, earth and space science
  • Social Studies, which includes civics and government, U.S. history, economics, geography, and the world

To participate in our program, students must: 

  • be 16 years or older
  • be able to complete a minimum of 10 hours a week of coursework to participate
  • not be enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school
  • attend orientation and testing
  • pay $45 tuition per term* (*Through an application process, students can apply for tuition scholarships)


GED® Registration Contact: 

Mary Howard—Intake Counselor
at 941-255-7500 Ext. 1679

You may also fill out our information form by clicking on this link:  GED® Info Form

  • The GED test is taken at Charlotte Technical College in the Resource Center and costs $128.
  • There are four sections of the test and each may be taken separately for $32 each.
  • See map below for the location of Charlotte Technical College Campus.

Current Session Hours for GED® Program:

Morning Classroom Sessions:
Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Afternoon Classroom Sessions: 
Monday through Thursday from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Open Lab Sessions in the CTC Resource Center:
Tuesday through Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.