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Charlotte Technical College

Safe and respectful, Always professional, Intellectual, Leaders!

Digital Design II

Digital Design I & 2


Next Start Date: August 2025


Digital Design 1 and 2 are two-year programs for 9th-12th graders. Students gain practical experience in computer-generated art and text; graphic design and production; electronic design, layouts, illustrations, and scanning; and multimedia presentations. Experienced instructors teach specialized skills to prepare students for a career as a Graphic Designer, Desktop Publisher, Multimedia Artist and Animator, or Computer Support Specialist.

    • ADOBE023 Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design
    • ADOBE025 Adobe Certified Professional in Web Design
    • PROSO027 CIW HTML5 and CSS3 
    • INTUT003 Master Entrepreneurship Certification  
  • min. 2.0 GPA, good attendance and behavior record

    The prerequisite required for this program is successful completion of Digital Design I.


  • 4 Credits – 2 years (satisfies the Practical Arts credit required for graduation)

    *Students can earn 4 credits in Digital Design 1 and 4 credits in Digital Design 2, for a total of 8 credits, if they complete both programs.

    • Federal CIP Code: 27-1024
    • Program Number: K700100

    Graphic Designer


    300 hours

    2 credits

    Media Designer


    300 hours

    2 credits

  • High School Application Process

    • Complete the CTC High School Application online in the spring.
    • Let your high school counselor know that you applied to CTC.
    • Notification of acceptance/non-acceptance will be emailed.
    • Attend mandatory Orientation at the CTC campus with a parent or guardian.

    *must complete Digital Design 1 in order to enroll in Digital Design 2

  • After successfully completing this program, the student will be able to perform the following:

    Graphic Designer

    1. Demonstrate mastery in digital publishing operations.
    2. Demonstrate proficiency in website design.
    3. Compare and contrast various digital media delivery systems.
    4. Demonstrate advanced project design capabilities associated with digital publishing.
    5. Refine a portfolio (print and/or digital).
    6. Demonstrate proficiency in the creation of digital design solutions involving motion or special effects.
    7. Demonstrate advanced ability to create and manipulate digital images using software applications.
    8. Maintain a portfolio (print and/or digital).


    Media Designer

    1. Organize and carry out independent project plans for creating various digital design products.
    2. Demonstrate mastery in creating and manipulating digital images using software applications.
    3. Demonstrate advanced understanding of the Elements and Principles of Art and Design.
    4. Consolidate coursework into a professional portfolio.
  • A hand writes 'html' and 'in' and 'out' on a whiteboard with green and black markers.
  • A hand uses a stylus to draw on a digital tablet, creating a grayscale illustration of a person.
  • A person works on a 3D modeling program, focusing on a building with windows and a brick facade.
  • A screenshot of a video editing program, showing a timeline with audio and video tracks.