Charlotte Technical College (CTC) is an adult post-secondary institution offering long- and short-term career and technical education programs. CTC serves adults and high school students sixteen years of age or older who are interested in technical education for employment purposes. Anyone interested in enrolling should visit and talk with a career counselor who will assist you with career options. Appointments are recommended for better serving you. Students applying for admission to most programs at Charlotte Technical College are accepted upon completion of the registration process on a first-come, first-serve basis.
If you are unsure as to which program you are best suited to, click on any linked title below and take the interest/ability assessment.
Post Secondary Application for Admission
There is a non-refundable $25.00 application fee for Adult Career Preparation programs and a non-refundable $5.00 application fee for Continuing Education and Personal Enrichment courses.
NOTE: Some programs may have additional timelines and admissions requirements more than the standard requirements listed below. Please see individual programs for a complete listing of admission requirements by program.
Students who have an associate’s degree or higher received equivalency scores from previous testing within the last two years earned a high school diploma since 2008 may be exempt from academic assessment testing. The most frequently used assessment is the CASAS test, which is administered on campus for a fee of $20. Other tests are available.
For testing schedules and special instructions, call 941-255–7500, ext. 1745
NOTE: Prospective students with disabilities who require accommodations for testing should contact the Testing Coordinator prior to taking the CASAS. As an Equal Access/Equal Education Opportunities/ADA Institution, individuals with disabilities have equal access to all programs, activities, and services as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008
Florida Residency for Tuition Purpose: To qualify for in-state tuition, prospective students must have two documents indicating that they (or their parents/guardian if the student is under the age of 24) have lived in Florida at least 12 months prior to the first day of their first term of enrollment. Documents should be included in the registration packet when you meet with Student Services. Please check the Florida Residency Requirements.
To apply, register, and enroll in our Adult Programs please use our “Paypal” link to pay your application fee. Once you have received your confirmation number from this (you will receive it as soon as you hit submit on the following screen ) please visit your program page and click on the “apply now” link.
Begin the enrollment process, and follow the procedures laid out on the Program webpage for your chosen career.