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Charlotte Technical College

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Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support Technology

 Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support Technology


Next Start Date: August 2025


Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support Technology is a multi-year program for 9th-12th graders. Students develop skills to operate, install, configure, and troubleshoot business applications, networks, printers, cabling, and hardware for PC, Android, and iOS systems. Experienced instructors teach students mindset and relationship skills required in a customer service industry, with focus on developing technical skills to meet the IT needs of local employers.

    • must have completed Applied Information Technology,
    • min. 2.0 GPA, good attendance and behavior record
  • 6 credits – 1 year full-time (satisfies the Practical Arts credit required for graduation)

    • Federal CIP Code: 15-1232
    • Program Number: Y300600


    Computer Hardware Fundamentals


    150 hours

    1 credit

    Operating System Fundamentals


    150 hours

    1 credit

    Advanced Operating Systems


    150 hours

    1 credit

    Mobile-Security-Domain Environment Fundamentals


    150 hours

    1 credit

    Desktop Support Technician


    150 hours

    1 credit

    Network Fundamentals


    150 hours

    1 credit

    Network Technician


    150 hours

    1 credit

  • High School Application Process

    • Complete the CTC High School Application online in the spring.
    • Let your high school counselor know that you applied to CTC.
    • Notification of acceptance/non-acceptance will be emailed.
    • Attend mandatory Orientation at the CTC campus with a parent or guardian.
  • After successfully completing this program, the student will be able to perform the following:


    1. Identify characteristics of medium size enterprise information systems as a business unit and its critical role and purpose in successful and efficient business operation.
    2. Demonstrate proficiency using enterprise-class computer/devices connectors, jacks, plugs, cables and their function, versions and purpose. 
    3. Demonstrate proficiency with motherboards, CPU options, system components, BIOS types and BIOS-UEFI configurations options.
    4. Demonstrate proficiency with tools, ESD concepts-procedures, personal and equipment safety and chemicals related to maintenance and repair of computers, mobile devices, peripherals, printers and network devices.
    5. Demonstrate an understanding of storage, video, audio, display, and network-cellular found in the business/enterprise.
    6. Demonstrate proficiency in building a basic PC system using standard components, following best practices in equipment and personal safety, following manufactures’ procedures and steps for every component involved in the system.
    7. Demonstrate proficiency with installation and configuration of enterprise desktop-laptop operating systems.
    8. Demonstrate proficiency installing and configuring expansion cards, RAM, storage devices, video adapters, audio, and a variety of system components.
    9. Demonstrate proficiency in installing, updating and troubleshooting drivers in desktop-laptop-tablet devices.
    10. Demonstrate proficiency with PC Laptop specification for purchase–Laptop systems for a variety of corporate functions such as, basic desktop user, CAD, CAE, video-audio editing and client-side virtualization.
    11. Demonstrate the importance of health, safety, and environmental procedures in organizations and their importance to organizational and personal performance and regulatory compliance.
    12. Demonstrate proficiency in connecting, configuring and troubleshooting multi-displays, data projectors, smart boards, and document cameras and kiosks systems.
    13. Demonstrate proficiency of installing, configuring and troubleshooting enterprise desktop-laptop operating systems in a network environment.
    14. Demonstrate proficiency of installing and configuring and troubleshooting variety of business applications in a network environment.
    15. Demonstrate proficiency in configuring and troubleshooting basic desktop, laptop network connectivity, including software, services, cables, switches, and access points.
    16. Understanding the fundamentals of active directory domains, organization units, the role of computers and users in that environment and how the technician interacts with this secure environment.
    17. Describe the roles within teams, work units, departments, organizations, inter-organizational systems, and the larger environment.
    18. Describe the importance of professional ethics and legal responsibilities.
    19. Explain and demonstrate the basic features of mobile operating systems.
    20. Establish mobile network connectivity and configure email, and applications and configure application synchronization.
    21. Configure, compare and contrast methods for mobile security and hardware platforms.
    22. Identify and enterprise attack vectors, remove malware, viruses, and other security risk software from desktops, laptop, and mobile devices.
    23. Demonstrate proficiency identifying, and mitigating malicious threats using social and human elements in the workplace.
    24. Demonstrate leadership and teamwork skills needed to accomplish team goals and objectives.
    25. Identify and compare and contrast business type printers.
    26. Install, configure and troubleshooting directly connected printers and share to the local network.
    27. Install, configure and troubleshooting server-based printers and validate the clients printing functionality.
    28. Demonstrate command-line fundamentals, including hard drive navigation, network tools, basic scripts and the fundamentals of PowerShell.
    29. Demonstrate proficiency in share permissions and file and folder security including fundamentals of domain users, local users, groups in an active directory environment.
    30. Demonstrate the fundamentals of network architectural structure of LANs, fundamentals and roles of the network switch, router and WAN.
    31. Demonstrate proficiency in tools and equipment for troubleshooting network connectivity.
    32. Demonstrate the use of network services including DNS, DHPC, cellular, cloud services and applications.
    33. Demonstrate the fundamentals TCP/IP, OSI and Internet models of network layer addressing.
    34. Setup and configure basic VoIP telephony functionality for business users.
    35. Setup and configure VPN on desktop, tablet, and laptop platforms.
    36. Demonstrate proficiency installing, configuring, and troubleshooting management system agents, anti-virus, group policy objects, operating systems and applications updates.
    37. Demonstrate proficiency in installing, configuring and troubleshooting client-side virtualization.
    38. Demonstrate proficiency with different operating systems.
    39. Demonstrate proficiency of user data backup, configuration, and recovery.
    40. Demonstrate troubleshooting of PC and laptop hardware failures.
    41. Demonstrate troubleshooting of PC-laptop boot failures, BSOD, shutdown, devices failing to start, missing DLL message.
    42. Describe the operation of data networks.
    43. Differentiate between various network media and topologies. 
    44. Identify, install, and configure basic network devices. 
    45. Implement an IP addressing scheme to meet network requirements. 
    46. Demonstrate use of network management tasks and methodologies.
    47. Demonstrate proficiency using basic network tools.
    48. Demonstrate an understanding of network security threats and mitigation techniques.
    49. Configure, verify and troubleshoot a switch with VLANs and interswitch communications. 
    50. Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP Services to meet network requirements in a medium-size Enterprise branch office network.
    51. Understand basic router operation. 
    52. Demonstrate Proficiency with configuring and troubleshooting a WLAN.
    53. Demonstrate Proficiency with configuring and troubleshooting a Server.
    54. Demonstrate Proficiency with configuring and troubleshooting a VPN.
    55. Demonstrate Proficiency with configuring and troubleshooting a VOIP.
    56. Demonstrate Proficiency with configuring and troubleshooting Virtualization.
  • A hand reaches into a printer to replace a toner cartridge.
  • Close-up of a hand using a crimping tool to connect a network cable.
  • A close-up view of the inside of a computer case, showing the motherboard, graphics card, and other components.
  • Two students work on a computer in a classroom setting.