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Charlotte Technical College

Safe and respectful, Always professional, Intellectual, Leaders!

Emergency Medical Technician

Emergency Medical Technician


Next Start Date: August 2025


Emergency Medical Technician is a one-year program for high school seniors. Students learn basic pre-hospital emergency procedures to treat various medical/trauma conditions using appropriate materials and equipment. Experienced instructors teach safe and efficient work practices while preparing students for a career as an EMT.

    • Workforce accepted (non-articulated) NREMT001 Emergency Medical Technician
    • CPR certification prior to enrollment
    • Drug Test
    • Background Check
    • TB Test
    • Physical
    • Valid Drivers license
    • rising 12th graders only, min. 3.0 GPA, good attendance and behavior record;
    • interview required;
    • must be able to drive;
    • must obtain CPR certification and complete drug test, background check, TB test, and physical prior to enrollment
    • 2 credits (satisfies the Practical Arts credit required for graduation)
    • Federal CIP Code: 51.0904
    • Program Number: W170213


    Emergency Medical Technician


    300 hours

    2 credits

  • High School Application Process

    • Complete the CTC High School Application online in the spring.
    • Let your high school counselor know that you applied to CTC.
    • Notification of acceptance/non-acceptance will be emailed.
    • Attend mandatory Orientation at the CTC campus with a parent or guardian.
  • After successfully completing this program, the student will be able to perform the following:


    1. Demonstrate a simple depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of EMS systems.
    2. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of research and evidence-based decision making.
    3. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of workforce safety and wellness.
    4. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the principles of medical documentation and report writing.
    5. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of the EMS communication system, communication with other health care professionals, and team communication.
    6. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of the principles of therapeutic communication.
    7. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of medical legality and ethics.
    8. Demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the anatomy and function of all human systems to the practice of EMS.
    9. Demonstrate a fundamental knowledge in the use of medical terminology.
    10. Demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the causes and pathophysiology of shock and the components of resuscitation. 
    11. Demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of life span development to patient assessment and management.
    12. Demonstrate a simple knowledge of the principles of illness and injury prevention in emergency care.
    13. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of pharmacology, medication safety, and medication types used during an emergency.
    14. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, simple breadth of knowledge of emergency medications within the scope of practice of the EMT.
    15. Demonstrate a foundational depth, fundamental breadth of knowledge of airway management across the life span within the scope of practice of the EMT.
    16. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of respiration.
    17. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of assessment and management utilizing ventilation across the life span.
    18. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of scene management and multiple patient situations.
    19. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, simple breadth of knowledge of the primary assessment for all patient situations.
    20. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the components of history taking.
    21. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of techniques used for a secondary assessment.
    22. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breath of knowledge of monitoring devices within the scope of practice of the EMT.
    23. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of how and when to perform a reassessment for all patient situations
    24. Demonstrate a simple depth, foundation breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment and management of medical complaints.
    25. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of neurologic disorders/emergencies across the life span.
    26. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of abdominal and gastrointestinal disorders/emergencies across the life span. 
    27. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of immunology disorders/emergencies across the life span.
    28. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of a patient who may have an infectious disease across the life span.
    29. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of endocrine disorders/emergencies across the life span.
    30. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge regarding the assessment and management of psychiatric emergencies across the life span.
    31. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of cardiovascular emergencies across the life span.
    32. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of toxicological (poisoning and overdose) emergencies across the life span.
    33. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of respiratory disorders/emergencies across the life span.
    34. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of the assessment, and management of hematology disorders across the life span.
    35. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breath of knowledge of the assessment and management of genitourinary/ renal emergencies across the life span.
    36. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of gynecologic emergencies across the life span.
    37. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the assessment and management of non-traumatic fractures across the life span. 
    38. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of assessment and management of diseases of the Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat across the life span.
    39. Demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the causes, pathophysiology, and management of shock and respiratory failure across the lifespan.
    40. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of the trauma patient across the life span.
    41. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of bleeding across the life span.
    42. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, simple breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of chest trauma across the life span.
    43. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, simple breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of abdominal and genitourinary trauma across the life span.
    44. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of orthopedic trauma across the life span.
    45. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of soft tissue trauma across the life span. 
    46. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of head, facial, neck, and spine trauma across the life span. 
    47. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of nervous system trauma across the life span.
    48. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of trauma patients with special considerations across the life span.
    49. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of pathophysiology, assessment, and management of environmental emergencies across the life span.
    50. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of multi-system trauma and blast injuries across the life span
    51. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of management of the obstetric patient within the scope of practice of the EMT.   
    52. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of management of the newborn and neonatal patient within the scope of practice of the EMT.
    53. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, fundamental breath of knowledge of the management of the pediatric patient within the scope of practice of the EMT.
    54. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of management of the geriatric patient within the scope of practice of the EMT.
    55. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of management of the patient with special challenges across the life span.
    56. Demonstrate a simple depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of risks and responsibilities of transport.
    57. Demonstrate a fundamental depth, fundamental breadth of knowledge of establishing and working within the incident management system.
    58. Demonstrate a simple depth, foundational breadth of knowledge of responding to an emergency during a multiple casualty incident.
    59. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of safe air medical operations and criteria for utilizing air medical response.
    60. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge for safe vehicle extrication and use of simple hand tools.
    61. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of risks and responsibilities of operating in a cold zone at a hazardous material or other special incident.
    62. Demonstrate a simple depth, simple breadth of knowledge of risks and responsibilities of operating on the scene of a natural or man-made disaster.
  • A medical training room with two hospital beds, one with a medical training dummy.
  • A hand writes on a whiteboard with a green marker, the text is about medical procedures.
  • A hospital bed with a blue blanket is in the foreground, with medical professionals in the background.
  • A healthcare worker holds a piece of paper while speaking with a patient.