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Charlotte Technical College

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Digital Design 1

Digital Design 1

Registration Deadline: August 8, 2025

Next Start Date: August 11, 2025


This program offers a sequence of courses that provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the Arts, A/V Technology and Communication career cluster; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the Arts, A/V Technology and Communication career cluster.

The content includes, but is not limited to, enhanced practical experiences in computer generated art and text, graphic design, graphic production, electronic design skills, preparation of electronic layouts and illustrations, and electronic scanning, and development of specialized skills in multimedia presentations.

  • Please see the Basic Skills Requirement table by clicking here and find your program.

    If required, take the Basic Skills Test at our Testing Center. Call 941-255-7500 Ext. 1745 to schedule to take the test.

  • OCP

    Course Number

    Course Title

    Teacher Certification




    Information Technology Assistant

    OTA0040 Teacher Certifications

    150 hours



    Production Assistant


    BUS DP @7 %G

    BUS ED 1 @2

    CLERICAL @7  7G

    COMM ART @7  7G

    COMP SCI 6 @2

    ELECT DP @7 %G

    PRINTING @7  7G


    TC COOP ED @7

    TEC ED  1 @2

    ENG&TEC ED1@2

    TEC ELEC $7 G

    VOE @7

    150 hours



    Digital Assistant Designer

    300 hours

  • Standards

    After successfully completing this program, the student will be able to perform the following:

    Information Technology Assistant (OTA0040) is the first course in this program. Standards 01.0 – 15.0 are associated with this course.

    1. Demonstrate knowledge, skill, and application of information technology to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace performance.  
    2. Develop an awareness of microcomputers.  
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of networks.  
    4. Use word processing applications to enhance the effectiveness of various types of documents and communication. 
    5. Use presentation applications to enhance communication skills.  
    6. Use spreadsheet applications to enhance communication skills. 
    7. Use database applications to store and organize data. 
    8. Use electronic mail to enhance communication skills. 
    9. Investigate individual assessment and job/career exploration and individual career planning that reflect the transition from school to work, lifelong learning, and personal and professional goals.  
    10. Incorporate appropriate leadership and supervision techniques, customer service strategies, and standards of personal ethics to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace performance.  
    11. Demonstrate competence using computer networks, internet and online databases to facilitate collaborative or individual learning and communication.  
    12. Develop awareness of computer languages, web-based and software applications, and emerging technologies.  
    13. Demonstrate an understanding of basic html by creating a simple web page. 
    14. Demonstrate comprehension and communication skills.  
    15. Use social media to enhance online communication and develop an awareness of a digital footprint.


    Production Assistant

    1. Demonstrate knowledge of digital publishing concepts.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge of basic digital imaging.
    3. Demonstrate proficiency in the safe and ethical use of the Internet to locate information.
    4. Identify project requirements, define project planning, and understand the design process.
    5. Perform page layout and measurement activities.
    6. Demonstrate an understanding of color and its role in digital design.
    7. Demonstrate a basic understanding of typography.
    8. Demonstrate an understanding of elements and principles of design.
    9. Demonstrate basic skill in digital photography.
    10. Demonstrate skills in the use of raster software applications.
    11. Demonstrate basic skills in the use of vector software applications.
    12. Demonstrate basic technical skills using a desktop publishing application.
    13. Develop an awareness of the emergent technologies associated with digital design.
    14. Demonstrate understanding in page layout using desktop publishing applications.
    15. Demonstrate an understanding of career opportunities and requirements in the field of digital design.


    Digital Assistant Designer

    1. Perform critical thinking activities.
    2. Demonstrate the ability to set project requirements, engage in project planning, and utilize the design process.
    3. Demonstrate an intermediate understanding of typography.
    4. Demonstrate skills in the use of vector software applications.
    5. Demonstrate an intermediate understanding in digital publishing operations.
    6. Demonstrate skills in promotional design and application.
    7. Demonstrate proficiency in digital imaging.
    8. Demonstrate the ability to apply the design process.
    9. Demonstrate understanding in the creation of digital design solutions involving motion or special effects.
    10. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of emergent technologies in digital design industries.
    11. Identify relevant career/college opportunities and produce required documents.
    12. Demonstrate the ability to independently set, design and evaluate project requirements, project planning, model project planning and utilize the design process.
    13. Demonstrate understanding in creating a simple webpage.
    14. Demonstrate an advanced understanding in digital publishing operations.
    15. Demonstrate the ability to create a multimedia presentation.
    16. Demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills relative to the design process.
    17. Demonstrate proficiency in digital photography.
    18. Plan, organize, and carry out collaborative digital design projects.
    19. Demonstrate proficiency in the creation of a digital design product using mobile communication devices.

    Create a portfolio (print and/or digital).

    • Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design
    • Adobe Photoshop
    • Adobe Illustrator
    • Adobe InDesign
    • Computer Support Specialists
    • Desktop Publisher

    To find out more about these opportunities, please visit O*Net OnLine.

  • Digital Design 1 Program has no prerequisites.

Videos Made by Students for Students

  • A person uses a digital pen to draw on a computer screen, creating a design with cute characters.
  • Three photography umbrellas, two white and one black, are set up against a blue backdrop.
  • student wearing a yellow Charlotte Technical College shirt is using a tablet to create a design.
  • Two people work together to troubleshoot a large printer.


Safe and respectful, Always professional, Intellectual, Leaders!

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